By acquiring several aerial or terrestrial images, by means of cameras and drones, and then processing them with automatic correlation techniques of photogrammetry, it’s possible to generate accurate three-dimensional models in geometry, with high-quality graphic properties.
Type of Capture
Work Flow
What is your project?
Cultural Heritage Documentation
Geometric documentation for any metric and graphic purpose, scale replicas, virtual visits and more.
Topographic Survey
Drones are the best tool to reduce costs and time
Virtual Reality
Creation of assets and spaces with hyper-realistic textures
Remote Sensing
Use of multispectral sensors in drones to detect elements that are on the earth’s surface but are not visible to the human eye
3D Objects
Use of photogrammetric techniques for the 3D recreation of objects
Hyper realistic interior / exterior
Mixed technique for obatining a correct geometry and texture: medium-range scanner together with images taken with a digital camera